Monday, October 19, 2009

Share an example of satire. Think of other pieces of literature you've read, movies you've seen, t.v. commercials, etc. Explain what the writer is satirizing.


  1. An example of satire in a TV show is Family Guy. The author uses satire to make fun of an event that has happened or an important person.

    ***Kelly Myers***

  2. An example could be the T.V. show The Soup. It uses satire to make fun of things celebrities and reality shows did that were stupid or funny.
    -Stephanie Bohr-

  3. There are many specific examples of satire in SNL. For example, snl has one skit about Obama and how he has not fulfilled what he said he would during elections.

  4. A satirical work of literature is Animal Farm by George Orwell, which was inspired by and ridicules the Russian Revolution and also political corruption as a whole.

    ~Jaime Trudel~

  5. One example of satire is in the movie, Mean Girls. One of the characters, Karen, is portrayed as being unintelligent and foolish. Her actions exaggerate her mindless personality. For example, there was one time in the movie when Karen said she had a fifth sense because she could tell when it was already raining. This satires her character by amplifying her stupidity.

  6. An example of satire is the AT&T commercial where the mother is obsessed with saving her minutes. This is satirizing the typical parent in wanting to save all the money that is possible.

  7. An example of Satire is the show, The Office, where the stereotypical roles of employees and bosses are made fun of and exaggerated.
    -Megan Stavens

  8. The Simpsons is another show that shows satire and is similiar to Family Guy. The Simpsons also show their use of satire through making fun of movies, event that were shown on the news, modern day society, ect.

  9. A good use of satire is in Saturday Night Live, a tv show on NBC. This is a great example of satire because the characters of this show will make fun of anything or anyone. The use satire to ridicule current events and anything that they think is amusing. It seems that they make funny of society as a whole.

  10. The only example that is coming to mind is, the scary movie series...all of those movies use satire to make fun of other movies, issues, people, ect.

  11. When I think of satire I think of the movie "The Invisible." In this movie the director makes fun of the saying "parents always know what is best for their kids." However the mother in the movie barely knows her son, and frankly never takes the time to get to know him. The kid in the movie from the outside looks like he has a perfect life but in reality he hates the life he has. In the end it takes her sons near-death experience to start to get to know him. The use of satire helps convey the directors point.

  12. An example of satire is the Colbert Report, a comedy show hosted by Steven Colbert. In this show, Colbert ridicules, makes fun of and exagerates the vices and follies of politics, political leaders and the political system.
    -Hannah Kyer

  13. Saturday Night Live is one of the best examples of a satire. The entire point of the TV show is to satarize things that are important in society at the time. The actors make fun of whatever the current issue is by acting it out with some exaggeration in order to criticize it.

  14. Family Guy, The Simpsons, Scary Movie 1, 2, 3 and 4, all of these are examples of satire. The producer of all of them takes certain events or lifestyles and makes fun of them. That is what satire is.

  15. The T.V. shows the Simpsons or Family Guy can be examples of satire. They both use satire to mock or make fun of other people or other tv shows etc. The T.V. show The Soup as well can be an example of satire. This show uses satire to makes fun of all the latest things celebrities have done that were stupid or funny and mock them.
    Stephanie Bohr

  16. The Simpsons is an admirable example of satire, because the writer is making fun of the stereotypical American family. The writer uses satire to ridicule what and how the characters in The Simpsons live their everyday life. So, they are actually making fun of the typical middle class American society, and how they live their lives.

  17. South Park uses satire very often to reveal something true in a funny and exaggerated way. They do this to beliefs, celebrities, lifestyles ect. One episode comes to mind where they animated the belief of Scientology in a very humorous way, although it was a very accurate representation of what Scientologists actually believe. It was clever how they used to reveal how ridiculous some things people believe in.
    -Kodi Doane

  18. The example of satire I thought of is also the Scary Movie series. These movies mock movies which are ment to be scary by making them into comedeys and pointing out their flaws.

  19. SNL constantly uses satire to act out and perform skits poking fun at people and events. It is satire because the actors dress up and exaggerate what actually happened. Another example of satire is when someone calls you Einstein when you make a mistake or do something stupid. This is also ironic because Einstein was actaully a genius.
    -Bethany Puniello

  20. One example of satire is the show Saturday Night Live. The short videos and skits in this television show are all examples of satire, as the purpose of all of them is to mock a modern concept, person, or event. For example, one recent video with Seth and Amy's REALLY? segment was a sarcastic approach to Kanye West's interruption of Taylor Swift at the video music awards. Seth and Amy ridiculed him, comparing his move to knocking a woman's "World's Best Grandma" mug out of her hand just because he knows a better grandma. The writers of SNL satirize the stupidity of these sorts of current happenings every week on the show. Saturday Night Live is not only a great use of satire, but it is also very entertaining.

  21. When I think of satire I think of Will Ferrel. He always chooses characters that he can play up and look stupid or crazy like in Blades of Glory or my favorite, Anchor Man. Where he plays a news caster who is completely egotistical just because he's on television.

  22. When I think of satire, the one thing that comes to mind is all the spoof movies including: Dance Flick, Scary Movie, Epic Movie, Ect. These movies protray how a modern life might be, but they strech the whole story and add a twist. They use rediculous ideas, and make some stereotypical characters. But the whole idea is to have fun with it and make it believable.

  23. A strong example of a satire is the parady song white and nerdy. It is a satire of the rap song ridin' dirty by Chamelionaire. This is satirizing the society and behaviors of rap stars and what they are trying to portray about their lives through music. Instead of trying to sound tough Weird Al who did the satire is trying to mock rappers and mock the toughness thats trying to be portrayed.


  24. An example of satire is Family Guy. This comedic tv show is very cynical towards the American society we live in and overexaggerates the problems and faults we make in our every day lives. This series shows satire by being humourous while ridiculing our culture.

    - Judy Keylani

  25. An example of satire is the Scary Movie series. All the movies, 1-4, are based on many different films and from all kind of genres. They can be scary, action packed, horror, or grusome. These 4 movies make fun of the different kind of movies within the Scary Movie series, thus making a comedy and making fun of the story line.

    -nick merisotis

  26. Examples of statire are spoof movies, such as Dance Movie and Epic Movie. These films satire the real films Save the Last Dance and 300. The directors are satirizing the serious plots and complex characters, making fun of the original films the spoof movies are based off of.

  27. Examples of satire are Family Guy who is satirizing famous people and even events that have occurred. Other examples of satire would be movies such as the Scary Movies, Epic Movie, Malibu’s Most Wanted, etc. These are all movies that show satire because they are satirizing reality and the typical American or even others movies.

  28. I really like what steven blanchard said. I love to watch SNL and it is probably because of all of the things that they satarize.

  29. An example of satire is the movie "Year One" because it makes fun of past societies and civilizations. It portrays the murder of Abel by his brother Cain in a parody of two shepherd brothers who get into an argument and take it to the extreme. Furthermore, the movie exaggerates the intelligence level of the societies.

    ~Sam Burke (Late because I was absent)
