Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Discuss the quote below:

"There was never yet an uninteresting life. Such a thing is an impossibility. Inside of the dullest exterior there is a drama, a comedy, and a tragedy. "

Mark Twain


  1. I agree with this quote. Every single person's life is full of interesting and often unexpected twists and turns. Without them, it would not be life, because life is not life without activity and diversity.
    Another thought: This quote seems to connect to a theme in school and the real world that several of us are aware of: the fact that every single person has a story. For example, in the high school setting, students (and faculty members) often tend to make assumptions and associations for/about certain individuals based on their appearance and behavior. This person may be known as the prep, the geek, the druggie, etc... What we all tend to forget at times is that every person (yes, even those apathetic kids who sit in the back row half-asleep, deprived of all energy, yet still managing to text all period…) has an interesting, complex life made up of various dramas, comedies, and tragedies. In fact, it is frequently those people that one wouldn’t expect who have a hidden talent, secret passion, or major family issue that is too much to deal with. I think that everyone can agree that we all have a story. The issue is that we habitually look over to that apathetic kid sitting in the back row and immediately perceive his/her life as the ‘dull exterior’ that Twain references. We don’t stop to think about how maybe he/she has just lost a best friend, or can… ride a unicycle, or maybe, as much as he/she tries, can’t seem to change the 65 on his/her report card. Weirder things have definitely happened in life, and they will continue to happen to all sorts of people. The trick is to be aware of Twain’s idea about life and to give people the benefit of the doubt instead of automatically judging.

  2. This quote means that no matter how unimportant or boring a life may seem, to somebody else, there will always be something exciting to find in it. He means that even in the most seemingly boring life, one can still find elements of drama, comedy, and tragedy.

  3. "There was never yet an uninteresting life. Such a thing is an impossibility. Inside of the dullest exterior there is a drama, a comedy, and a tragedy. "

    Mark Twain

    This quote simply means that just because you think that something is boring or uninteresting at first glance you should get to know what it is about before you judge it and base an opinion on it. Inside of everything there is excitement and different elements of drama. You just need to look past the exterior and take time to get to know an idea, concept, or person.

    ~ Brittany Strycharz
