Friday, January 8, 2010

Writing About Literature

How do we approach responding to and writing about literature?

What does it mean to analyze literature?


  1. The reader has to analyze the piece of literature that have read before they can start writing about it. The reader has to have a common understanding of the literature that they are reading. Analyzing is being able to look over and understand the message that the author is trying to convey in the piece literature.Once the reader has an understanding of the literature then they can take a stance and begin to write.

  2. Yes, but HOW does one analyze a piece of literature? :)

  3. A reader can analyze a piece of literature by recognizing the symbolism and the different forms of figurative language and how they connect to the story. The tone is often a good place to start because it usually is one of the deciding factors in the authors intended meaning of the story as a whole and many of the instances of symbolism. Another approach to analyzing a piece of literature is to try to connect the piece to real world topics or situations. Background on the author often helps the reader to achieve this.
    -Matt Marchand

  4. I agree with Matt; it is a good idea to approach responding to and writing about literature beginning with symbolism, figurative language, and tone. These literary devices are significant because they often contribute to the message of the story. Analyzing literature is understanding the author's purpose for writing and targeting the specific devices used to achieve this purpose. The author's purpose is often conveyed through the message, which is why figurative language, symbolism, and tone are important.

  5. I agree with Matt and Valerie that in order to approach responding to and writing about literature one must start with understanding symbolism, figurative language, and tone, and being about to pick up on it in the piece of writing. That way understanding the meaning of the story will be much easier to grasp. Once the message is understood analyzing the purpose for the author is the next step. Analyzing a piece of literature should be easy because the authors purpose is expressed in the message. Sometimes the author leaves it up to the reader to interpret a piece in their own way but in that case one should just use their own thoughts and opinions on the message of the story.

  6. Before responding to a piece of literature we must analyse and fully understand the text that we are trying to respond to. it is also very helpful to link the reading to your own experiences as well as to other areas of the curriculum. this gives people a greater appreciation and understanding to how they should respond to the text in front of them. Everyone has their own way of responding and interpreting a piece of literature, but whenever it is done it most be done with reason to back up and support the ideas that you have brought forth.

    ~Brittany Strycharz
