Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Purposes for reading

Identify and discuss at least one major purpose for reading Beowulf.


  1. The purpose for reading Boewulf is to understand and interpert poems, and to identify literary devices. Beowulf is an old english poem, and is more difficult to read than other novels. So by reading Beowulf and taking the time to understand what it means, we are learning how to interpert different works of literature. While reading Beowulf, we are also introduced to many literary devides, such as kennings and alliteration. We also learn the traits of an epic hero. By reading Beowulf, we can be all around better readers.
    -Bethany Puniello

  2. There are many purposes for reading Beowulf other than merely for amusement. First, it is a useful tactic to practice reading a different type of literature. Since it may be difficult to understand, it requires rereading which causes a deeper interpretation of the poem’s meaning. Reading Beowulf is also an effective way to discover and understand various literary devices. In the poem, literary devices such as kenning and alliteration are frequently used. Analyzing the meanings of words and phrases written in such a way can expand the reader’s literary strategies.

  3. We can read Beowulf to understand how people in the past thought and spoke. Since Beowulf was written several years ago, the language is very different. Reading Beowulf can help us to better understand the English language at the time that Beowulf was written.

  4. The purpose for reading Beowulf is the same as the purpose for reading any book. Simply to gain knowledge and understanding. By reading Beowulf we are able to better interpret poems.
    Also, Beowulf can teach us about different moral issures or we can learn about the lesson given from the story. There is a lot we can learn from Beowulf and that is the purpose for reading it.

  5. The purpose for reading Beowulf is to help people have a better understanding of more difficult literature and to learn to be able to read at a harder level. By reading more difficult literature, like Beowulf, you will have a better understanding of other pieces of literature also, you'll be able to interperet things with a deeper meaning instead of only seeing something literally. By reading Beowulf we are learning many different types of literature and literary divices and being able to interpret their meanings.
    -Becca Fritche

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  7. The purpose of reading Beowulf is to learn how to interpret epic poems. Reading Beowulf we are learning how to understand different literary devices like kennings and allterations. Even though we are reading the modernized version it is still hard to understand so we are learning to go back and read over sections to get the full meaning of the poem. We are becoming better readers.

    Kelly Myers

  8. The purpose of reading Beowulf is to interpret, analyze, and understand a different form of literature and to practice these actions. It also exposes us to different literary devices (diction, metaphors, kenning etc) and to have to know how to identify them. Finally, it forces us to be active readers because it's hard to understand and causes one to go back and reread passages.

  9. I also agree with Bethany that the purpose of reading is to identify literary devices. Beowulf is composed of many of these. Therefore, reading Beowulf helps us to understand and find good examples of literary devices.

  10. The purpose of reading Beowulf is to be able to analyze an epic poem. The language used is unique, and therefore, a better way to expand our vocabulary. Also, it is nessicary to pay attention to details, so we learn to read close. This lets us use new reading strategies to better understand the plot and meaning of Beowulf.

    Megan Stavens

  11. There are many purposes for reading Beowulf other than merely for amusement. First, it is a useful tactic to practice reading a different type of literature. Since it may be difficult to understand, it requires rereading which causes a deeper interpretation of the poem’s meaning. Reading Beowulf is also an effective way to discover and understand various literary devices. In the poem, literary devices such as kenning and alliteration are frequently used. Analyzing the meanings of words and phrases written in such a way can expand the reader’s literary strategies.

  12. The purpose of reading Beowulf is to learn new types of stylistic devices that are used in poems such as kennings, alliteration, parallelism, personification, and others that are used throughtout this book. We also indulge in this piece of work to read poems, just like Romeo and Juliet. Throughout our lives, we will have to become use to and familiar with this type of writing (as you said in class, to Brittney? I think). When we practice these types of readings, "we are becoming better readers" such as Kylly Myers said. To add to that, reading Beowulf is requiring us to annotate the text and pay close attenton by re-reading, if we do not understand something; further increasing the reading strageties and capablilities of ourselves. We have to do all these steps, unless we want to fail the quizzes.

  13. The purpose for reading Beowulf is to improve our interpretation and analysis of literature, specifically epic poems, that are more difficult to understand. Beowulf is a more difficult piece of literature to understand so through reading it, we are able to practice reading thoroughly and practice strategies that improve reading for understanding. Additionally, by reading Beowulf, we are learning more about literary devices and better understanding how these literary devices add to the meaning of the literature as a whole.
    -Hannah Kyer

  14. Literature is writen in many different ways, some will be easier for teenagers to read and understand and others will be more of a challenge. By reading Beowulf, it strengthens our understanding of the different forms of writing and literary devices that we don't see very commonly used in novels, today. By reading Beowulf, I along with others, have learned about different literary devices such as kenning and alliteration. This book has also strengthened my skills in interpreting text that does not clearly discuss what is being talked about. By this I mean that this novel makes me take more time to read and reread in order to understand the book's plot, and I believe that is why we read this poem.

  15. The purposes for reading Beowulf is to have a greater comprehension of an epic poem and how Kennings, Figurative language, and Alteration help us to have a understanding of what a author is trying to have a reader see. The purpose is to read Beowulf to learn to figure out poems that do not make sense the first time a person reads it. We now know, to be able to get meaning out of Beowulf we have to go back and read again and again if we have to. I do agree with Kelly because we do become better readers from reading and going over Beowulf.

  16. The purpose for reading Beowulf is to practice our close reading skills. The old english, literary devices, and unmodern plot makes for a tough read. When reading this poem we are learning how to interpret epic poems, translate kennings, and find the meaning of a confusing plot. Reading Beowulf is practice for our AP test and other future reading we must do to build a stronger education.

    -Amber Pelletier

  17. The purpose of reading Beowulf is to find a way to interpret poetry. The author doesn't tell you things outright and thats why you have find ways to interpret what he is saying. Its hard to pick up on what is actually being said in the book because the author is always using kennings. Things like that can throw a person way off and make the book harder to understand. We are reading this so we can become better at interpreting literature that we are not used to which is good because for now on I plan on only reading things that are in old english.

  18. In my opinion the purpose of reading Beowulf is strictly up to the reader. Some may believe that we read it to practice interpreting poems or just to become better readers. Others may think the purpose of reading Beowulf is to just enjoy a good epic poem. I believe that the purpose of reading this epic poem is to become a better reader and practice reading techniques. This is because at the moment im having a very hard time understanding this book however i feel after im going to have a better understanding of how to get through a tough piece of literature.

  19. I agree with the others who discussed that the purpose for reading Beowulf was to learn how to interpret poetry. As Shane said, i definitely agree that not much in the story is just told outright, and you really have to think about what the author means the entire time. By reading Beowulf, you learn good reading strategies like rereading. In order to understand this story, you must reread. You also learn to anotate the text using sticky notes so you can highlight important parts, questions you have, or words you don't understand.

  20. The purpose of reading Beowulf is to become familiar with stylistic devices, as they are used throughout the entire poem. Beowulf is also read to be able to interpret for deeper meanings beyond the text. Beowulf is full of devices and meanings to be interpreted. Being able to interpret stylistic devices and meanings can help us look at other books and stories beyond the text.

  21. The purpose of reading is being able to understand and imagine things in a different perspective and connecting things. I personally like looking at things or views in a way I never thought or tried to imagine before. It helps to broaden your mind. Beowulf is a very fictional book but I like being able to think of how everything connects in the book. I also like that Grendel is in the form of a human being instead of a monster that I'm so used to seeing as the bad guy or beast in books. This helps me think in a different way and why the author or authors would picture him like that.

  22. Because this is an English class and Beowulf is the most significant surviving old English poem (this is what the note says at the begining of the book) it seems as though we have to read it. What other book would we read in the begining of the year in English class besides one of the first old English manuscripts? Beowulf also contains many literary devices such as fiction and alliteration that we have been learning about since the start of the school year. It is interesting to see all the devicies put into action in one work of literature; reading Beowulf shows how all the literary devices help bring greater meaning to Beowulf while also making it sound better and making it more descriptive. Another major purpose for reading Beowulf is that it is a very simple story to understand, despite how hard it is to actually read the book. It is just a narration of a man who fights monsters that threaten a kingdom; it is a simple work of literature showing good versus evil, demons facing heroes. The simplicity of Beowulf does not make it a bad piece of literature, but one that is easily remembered and is a good way to start off the year, reading something that is not to complicated.

  23. One major purpose for reading Beowulf, as others have mentioned, is to develop a greater understanding of literary devices, such as alliteration and kennings. Developing a greater understanding of such devices is beneficial because it allows readers to read similar works containing the same devices with more ease. Further, this epic poem requires active reading, which consequently strengthens the reader’s advanced reading skills. Therefore, reading Beowulf will probably prove to help my classmates and me in passing that AP test. However, I believe that the true purpose of reading Beowulf surpasses the skills of interpreting kennings. I am pretty sure that the author(s) of this epic poem did not put those kennings into the story just so that, 900 years later, eleventh grade students at Coventry High School would have to slave away trying to understand the hidden meanings of these stylistic devices. :) In my opinion, Beowulf was written in means of preserving culture and history. This story was a way of passing along the Geats’ heritage, beliefs, and ideas. Hence, a more genuine purpose for reading Beowulf is for the reader to expand his/her knowledge of European history and culture. I firmly believe that much of the greatest art, music, and literature of all time was created hundreds of years ago. These three ways of expression are ultimately our only way of traveling into the past to learn about times before ours. Such can be applied to the purpose of reading the epic poem Beowulf.
    -Val Stickles

  24. The purpose of reading Beowulf is to learn how to interperate epic poems, and to identifiy literary devices(such as kennings). The complexity of Beowulf allows us to learn how to interperate more advanced types of literature.

  25. Beowulf is a good place to start, if you wish to start reading epic poems. It's a rather simple story and much less complex then the Odyssey or the Illiad. It has very simple characters and can be easily interpreted once you understand the style and the language.
    -Kodi Doane

  26. he purpose of reading Beowulf is to find a way to interpret poetry. The author doesn't tell you things in simple words or sentences and thats why you have to interpret what he or she is saying. Its difficult to understand or comprehend what the author is really saying in the book because the author is always using kennings and alliteration in his or hers work. Things like that can throw a person off and make them consider what they have read to be the right interpetation or not and it makes the book harder to understand. We are reading this so we can become better at interpreting literature that we are not used to reading. I do not like this book, like i get what the author is trying to do but why cant he just be like, "Beowulf went to pay a visit to Grendal's mother and he killed her" maybe give a little detail about what actually went down. Now i know in any world of literature that is never going to happen but short and to the point would be appreciated sometimes in this book.

    -James Smith

  27. The purpose of reading Beowulf is so that we can learn to use and interpret different literary devices. When we see keenings or other angelo-saxton ways of writing it gets more into our heads so that we can use it when we write. Another purpose of reading it is to interpret different kinds of writing. High school students are used to reading Twilight and Harry Potter where it bluntly tells us what is happening. When we have to reread what someone else wrote it makes us able to think deeper.

    *Nicole Bernier*

  28. I like what Jamie and Kelly said abut becoming better readings and how we have to increase our reading strategies and capabilities. When we can something as in depth as Beowulf, when we read other pieces of literature we will be able to read it faster with more understanding to what it says.
    *Nicole Bernier*

  29. There are many purposes to reading Beowulf. One is to interpret text well that may not be of a contemporary style.
    The other is to learn about certain literary devices and to see them in active literature (kennings, alliteration, etc.)
    Beowulf is rich with different types of literary devices, some that are still very popular today and others that have somewhat dies out. Knowing all of these will help one become a more avid and thorough reader, and lead to interpreting text even better than right now.

  30. Idk if this counts for half for being late but...
    The purpose for reading Beowulf is to increase our reading comprehension with unfamiliar language that is not used every day. This "old style" of language is not what we are use to hearing, but still should be appreciated. The story of Beowulf is an epic poem which describes a great plot with a Hero (Beowul) and antagonists Grendel and his mother)

  31. Woops, I didn't know I said something before, lol. Nvm about the last post! haha
