Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Using literary devices to convey a message in Beowulf

What stylistic devices did the author(s) of Beowulf use to manipulate the reader and to what means?


  1. The purpose of using literary divices in a piece of literature is to make the meaning of the literature deeper by making the reader think about the piece they are reading. If the author uses a literary divice, such as an alliteration or a kenning the reader needs to think about it to convey the message they are trying to portray.
    -Becca Fritche

  2. The author/s of Beowulf use/s different characters' points of view to manipulate and establish how the audience percieves the characters and what is happending. For instance, when Grendel and Beowulf fought, the story was told from Grendel's point of view to show how strong Beowulf was. The story is also told from Unferth's view at one point to show his jealousy.

    They also use kenning to establish the characteristics and personalities of the characters. For example, when he or she used man-hater and death-shadow to desribe Grendel.

    They used these devices and others to get all sides of the story included in the poem and to cause the reader to see things a certain way, possibly to make the story more believable.

    ~Jaime Trudel

  3. The authors use exaggeration and Kennings to make the text seem more appealing, and in some cases, exaggerates ideas. An example of kenning is "Whale road". This is a way of creatively saying the ocean. By using a kenning, the text seems interesting, and less boring. When the authors exaggerate Beowulf's strenght by saying, "...grew in strength and stature under the heavens" this manipulates the reader to think highly of Beowulf. The way the words are phrased make the reader think Beowulf is a hero, and almost a god.

    -Megan Stavens

  4. I am not really sure what you mean by manipulating the reader, but since I can't really ask you tomorrow in class, I'll attempt to answer this.
    Some stylistic devices that are used in Beowulf to "manipulate" the reader are kennings, alliteration, metaphors, similes, and allusions--just to name a few and not make this post 3 pages long. Kennings manipulate the reader because they are a different way to metaphorically describe something else. They make the reader read more closely and ponder on what a "mere" or what "battle-sweat" is. Alliteration (if read out loud, or even in the head) causes the reader to say words a certain way. It is the repetition of sounds in a passage. such as Piper Picks Pickles in Pennsylvania. Metaphors manipulate the reader because they help to deepen the readers understanding of a description by relating something to a familiar object without using "like" or "as". A simile does the same thing, but uses "like" or "as". Finally, allusions are used by the author(s) of Beowulf to manipulate readers because they are a reference to famous people, events, or places. They make the reader think of that place, and therefore further enhances the understanding on the matter that is being spoken of.

    First posted, woot! (Hope it's right lol)

  5. One major stylistic device that the author(s)of Beowulf used to manipulate the reader was the use of kennings. Kennings are used in the poem to get the reader to think of characters in a ceratain way. The use of kennings, or even just normal words, that spark negative or positive connotations in the reader will manipulate the reader to think in a certain way about the object or character. For example, the author(s) manipulates the reader into thinking that Grendel is an evil monster by using kennings to describe Grendel that have negative connotations for the reader.
    -Hannah Kyer

  6. Kenning is used extremely often by the author(s) of the poem. Kenning was used to give more details to simple words. For example, a important character by the name of Grendel is compared often times to a devil, kenning is used to instead of repeating devil over and over again to give a new meaning to the word by expressing it in a detailed phrase.
    e.g. Grendel --> Shepherd of Evil
    Alliteration is also used many times to make the poem flow better for the reader, or listener. The use of alliteration makes the story much more exciting and enjoyable.

  7. The author(s) of beowulf use literary devices such as kennings, alliteration, figurative language, and personification to convey messages in beowulf and to manipulate the reader. Kennings are used throughout Beowulf, and they make the reader stop and infer what the word or phrase means. This makes the work more original and interesting. Alliteration is the repitition of a consonant, and makes Beowulf (which is an epic hero poem)seem like poems we are all familiar with. Figurative language makes Beowulf more descriptive, and allows the reader to get a vivid picture of what the figurative language is describing. And finally personification is used in Beowulf to make the monster, Grendel, seem like a human being. Although he is a mean,dangerous Killer, he still posseses qualities of humans.
    -Bethany Puniello

  8. How people use literary devices to convoy a message in Beowulf is by using sources such as Kennings. A Kenning is a conventional poetic phrase used for or in addition to the usual name of a person or thing. Kennings come helpful in reading Beowulf because Kennings make a poem like Beowulf more relatable and less confusing. Yes, you do have to consider what a "wave cutter" would be but if it was in a sentence such as, the wave cutter set sail in the sea for its long complicated voyage. Putting Kennings into sentences makes it easier to figure out, and less confusing. Figurative language and alteration also is a part of figuring out a message in Beowulf. All of these resources help to conclude a message in Beowulf, since you comprehend a meaning from it. If one understands a story with devices such as Kennings, Figurative language, and Alteration then they have a greater knowledge of what the author of that piece to get though to the reader.

  9. the wtiter or creator of Beowulf whoever it may be did a pretty good job in using literary devices to convey his or her message. A major literay device that is used is kennings. The kennings are used to interpret a deeper meaning for the readers. They help make the story more interesting as well, it creates a change in the liturature and really makes the reader think. Figurative language makes a story more interesting, it helps make the story more interesting for sure. It adds more detail, and makes the story more exciting and descriptive. It helps the reader understand and create a descriptive image of what they are reading. Personification is used in Beowulf to show the monster Grendel in the book. These literary devices help make the story more interesting and appealing to the reader.
    -Steven Blanchard

  10. The most frequently used stylistic device that the author(s) of Beowulf uses to manipulate the reader is kenning. Almost every stanza in the poem contains kennings. Kennings are effective in portraying a deeper meaning into the words of the poem. Rather than using simple adjectives for description, the author(s) of Beowulf depict descriptions with complex, combined words. This strategy manipulates the reader into interpreting a more meaningful value of the words. The author(s) of Beowulf also employs alliteration into the poem. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in a sentence. The use of this device creates a more poetic representation of the text. It adds to the creativity and rhythm of the poem.

  11. I agree with Steven that the literary devices used help make the story more interesting and appealing. Some stylistic devices the author(s) of Beowulf use to manipulate the reader include; kenning, alliteration, assonance, consonance,and caesura. Kenning is a figurative, usually compound expression used in place of a name or noun. Kenning is used to help describe characters and their personalities, actions, and motives. Alliteration is the occurrence in a phrase or line of poetry of two or more words having the same initial sound. Alliteration is the principal poetic device used in Beowulf. Assonance is similar to alliteration where it is the repetition of internal vowel sounds of words close together in poetry. Consonance is also, similar to alliteration where it is the repetition of internal or ending consonant sounds of words close together in poetry. All three devices are used to incorporate a rhyming flow in the poem and for creating sound. Lastly, caesura is an audible pause that breaks up a line of verse. This is used in poems to esablish a sort of rhythm for the story. I agree with Bethany that figurative language also helps manipulate the reader to believe in what he/she reports, or connect to the thoughts and opinions of the characters.

    -Amber Pelletier

  12. Steven Blanchard can write one hell of a blog. I agree with everything he said and he took the words right out of my mouth when he was talking about figurative language. The stylistic devices make the reading more enjoyable and make the reading see things differently in their mind. The figurative language and kennings make this story interesting to read.

  13. The author of Beowulf used many different literary devices to convey his/her message. I agree with Steven and Shane on the fact that the literary devices used do make the reading more enjoyable and more elegant. Instead of saying ocean the author says whale road which in my opinion is more exciting.

    -Kelly Myers

  14. The author(s) of Beowulf uses many stylistic devices in order to try and convey their message. I do not agree with anyone on this matter because in my opinion the use of kenning and alliteration make the epic poem more confusing and hard to understand. At the same time it is a creative and unique way to express ideas.

  15. The author selected literary devices to make the story more interesting to read. He/she used things like kennings, metaphors, and personification. Kennings made the story sound more poetic. Since Beowulf was meant to be read aloud, I can see where the use of kennings would improve its flow. The author used many metaphors. I feel that these help show the message in the story by making comparisons. Personification was used to give life to non living things and also make the story have a better flow and sound more poetic.

  16. The author or authors of Beowulf use several literary devices to manipulate the reader. First of, the author(s) are definitely trying to manipulate the reader into believing how great Beowulf is as a warrior. Kennings and metaphors are used to describe his strength and the greatness of his achievements. It's obvious that the author is going to try and persuade the reader, if he or she didn't then, they wouldn't be a good writer! You need to believe in your own product before trying to sell it. The author uses other more subtle forms of literary devices to persuade the reader into a more Christian/Catholic religious standpoint. This is evident because of the tone that the author uses when speaking about "the Lord."

    -Sam Burke

  17. The authors/creators of Beowulf use many stylistic devices that contribute to the work as a whole. Kennings, figurative language, and alliteration are all used. Kennings help provide a different way of readers to look at an object or thing. It also provides a much better picture in the reader's mind rather than dull, vague wording. Figurative language is used throughout Beowulf and adds in detail to the reader. These devices create a more enjoyable experience for the reader.

  18. The most stylistic device used in Beowulf that I believe helps convey the message are Kennings. Kennings are words or phrase that help get that make the meaning of an object or thing more elaborate and detailed. Kennings help the reader visual the character, object, or thing. Being able to visualize the character or whats going on in the text, I believe, helps you understand the text better and understand the small details that are supposed to be found in the messages.

  19. The author(s) of Beowulf used the antagonist Grendel, who obviously symbolizes evil and malice, as a foil to Beowulf, the protagonist, to exemplify Beowulf's good deeds and strength. This maipulates the reader into thinking that Beowulf is a great hero who always saves humanity, but Beowulf might not be such a great person. He is obviously greedy, always accepting gold, jems, and rare items from the king and whenever he kills a monster he goes drinking in the mead hall. The author(s) used literary elements to make us think a greedy, drunk is a hero. Beowulf also has a heavy use of kennings which make the work more creative and fun that will draw the reader into the piece.

  20. The authors of Beowulf use several stylistic devices in the epic poem to manipulate the reader. One of the most prominent of these stylistic devices is alliteration, “Bid men of battle build me a tomb / fair after fire, on the foreland by the sea…” (This excerpt can be found on page xxi of the Introduction.) This device contributes to the work’s eloquence and authenticity because it demonstrates a higher level of thought and meaning. In a way, the reader is manipulated by these examples of alliteration because they are manipulated into appreciating the work. A different, clearer example of the author(s) manipulating the reader is found in the religion-based diction. It seems that a major reason for the creation of the epic poem Beowulf was to preserve the culture and history of the Geats of 1100 A.D. Clearly, religion was a huge part of the culture of the Geats, a Christian group. The religious references throughout the poem were likely made in hopes of manipulating readers into adopting these beliefs for themselves.
    -Val Stickles

  21. the author use stylistic devices such as kennings and alliteration to convey his/her message. these are used to enrich the text, and in my oppinion to make it more interesting and exciting.

  22. The people that told the story of beowulf, used many stylistic devices such as kenning and alliteration. They used these to make the story flow and sound nice for the people in that era of time. It's an effective form of describing something in few words. They could give people a complete picture without wasting time and straying from the story. This was an effective way for them to to keep an audience.
    -Kodi Doane

  23. The most frequently used stylistic device that the author(s) of Beowulf uses to manipulate the reader is kenning. Almost every stanza in the poem contains kennings. Kennings are effective in portraying a deeper meaning into the words of the poem. Instead of using simple words to describe a character or a situation, author(s) use a metaphorical compound word that means the same thing but gives it more decriptivness and makes the character or situation jump off the page. Along with alliteration, keenings were used to keep the audience attracted while the story was being told. The meaning for alliteration and keenings is to describe something in a couple simple words and take up alot of time. These were key literary devices in the time when Beowulf was being told.

    -James Smith

  24. The author(s) of Beowulf use(s) many different literary devices to manipulate the reader. One is Kennings, which create strong visual images that resound with the reader and are immediately linked to the character. For example, Grendel is referred to as a death-shadow, quickly linking him to death and all dark and sinister things, qualities he surely posses.
    He/she also uses alliteration to draw attention to certain lines, which make the reader truly focus on a certain passage, indirectly stressing the importance of the passage.
    Another item is using different POV. When Grendel and Beowulf fight, Grendel tells to the story, showcasing Beowulf's strength and heroic qualities.
