Friday, May 28, 2010

Final Exam Project

What is out there in YAL?
Extra Credit Project

Since many of you are complaining about our in-depth study of the classics, I am assigning a mini exploration of what is out there in the world of young adult literature.

Part One:
First, you have to visit at least two young adult literature websites from the links I provided (see list below this label). Please feel free to use another site not posted but be sure to give me the URL. Include these links in your posting.

100 Best Summer Picks by npr


Teens Library Point

YA Author's Cafe

Teen Reads

Green Bean Teen Queen Blog

Pulse It

IRA Top Teen Picks pdf

Gail Carson Levine

Part Two: Due June 18, 2010

The second part of this project is two-fold. Pick a book that qualifies as Y.A. Literature, read the book and create a book trailer based on your understanding of the characters, events, and more importantly the universal themes of your selection.  

Book Trailer Instructions

Book Trailer Requirements: Total book trailer run time 3-5 minutes.
1. An original title for your book trailer, with your name and date of publication of your video.
2. A minimum of 4 open-ended discussion questions for readers to ponder and discuss about your novel.

3. A minimum of 4 POWERFUL quotes from the novel that speak to the characters or themes in the work.

4. A minimum of 6 images relative to the characters, themes, settings, or plot in the novel. Choose 2 specific scenes from the novel; scenes chosen should be those that best
represent the universal themes and essential elements of the plot i.e. rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. You need to download from appropriate sites (instructions will be given in class), pictures and images appropriate to your storyboard and novel. Save these images in your MOVIEMAKER book trailer folder!!!

5. At least 3 website links or blogs with information to support the reading of either novel. This can be in the form of credits at the end of your video but before your actual credits.

6. A minimum 4 words/phrases in response to "What universal truths about human nature (themes) emerge through the lives of the characters in your selected novel?"

7. Edit the film and add musical and visual effects and title pages. Be sure the pacing and spelling is appropriate and accurate!

You will conclude this project with a 2-3 page reflection justifying the worthiness of the book according to your experience and then compare and contrast your selected contemporary book with a classic novel we read in class. I recommend you include the differences or similarities in writing style and themes in your 2-3 page reflection. Be sure to address how the time periods also affect the characters and plot. You must post submit a hard copy of your final essay and post your reflection on the appropriate blog space,

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